In less than a month, Valencia, Spain will host the EU Carbon Farming Summit, a landmark event bringing together experts, innovators, and thought leaders from 5 to 7 March 2024. The summit is organized by Project CREDIBLE, EIT Climate KIC, and SAE Innova, with the purpose of uniting stakeholders from farmers to policymakers to explore innovative techniques promoting carbon farming practices, soil health, and biodiversity.

AdvertismentA Gathering for Sustainable Agriculture

Carbon farming, a set of practices aimed at increasing carbon sequestration in soil, is gaining momentum as a crucial strategy for mitigating climate change. The EU Carbon Farming Summit seeks to create an EU-wide community of practice for sustainable soil management, focusing on regenerative farming approaches, monitoring technologies, and the EU framework on carbon removal certification.

With the pressing challenges of soil degradation, water scarcity, and greenhouse gas emissions looming, the summit will provide a platform for collaboration and the exchange of ideas to drive actionable solutions.

AdvertismentRegenerative Farming and Monitoring Technologies

At the heart of the summit’s discussions will be regenerative farming practices, such as no-till agriculture, cover cropping, and agroforestry. These methods not only increase soil carbon sequestration but also improve soil health, enhance biodiversity, and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Monitoring technologies, including remote sensing and precision agriculture, will play an essential role in tracking the effectiveness of carbon farming practices and providing real-time data for decision-making.

AdvertismentAdvancing the EU Framework on Carbon Removal Certification

Carbon removal certification is a critical aspect of the EU’s strategy to incentivize carbon farming practices and create a market for carbon credits. The summit will focus on advancing techniques for carbon removal certification to ensure their accuracy, transparency, and credibility.

By establishing robust certification standards, the EU aims to drive investment in carbon farming and support the development of a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector.

In conclusion, the upcoming EU Carbon Farming Summit in Valencia, Spain, is set to be a pivotal event in the global conversation on sustainable agriculture and carbon farming practices. By fostering collaboration and innovation, the summit will help drive actionable solutions to combat

Published on  | Carbon in medias | Online source

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