Methodology for determining greenhouse gas emissions savings from renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin and from recycled carbon fuels



Greenhouse gas emissions from the production and use of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin or recycled carbon fuels shall be calculated as follows:

E = e i + e p + e td + e u – e ccs




total emissions from the use of the fuel (gCO2eq/MJ fuel)

e i


e i elastic + e i rigid – e ex-use: emissions from supply of inputs (gCO2eq/MJ fuel)

e i elastic


emissions from elastic inputs (gCO2eq/MJ fuel)

e i rigid


emissions from rigid inputs (gCO2eq/MJ fuel)

e ex-use


emissions from inputs’ existing use or fate (gCO2eq/MJ fuel)

e p


emissions from processing (gCO2eq/MJ fuel)

e td


emissions from transport and distribution (gCO2eq/MJ fuel)

e u


emissions from combusting the fuel in its end-use (gCO2eq/MJ fuel)

e ccs


emission savings from carbon capture and geological storage (gCO2eq/MJ fu

Emissions from the manufacture of machinery and equipment shall not be taken into account.

The greenhouse gas emissions intensity of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin or recycled carbon fuels shall be determined by dividing the total emissions of the process covering each element of the formula by the total amount of fuel stemming from the process and shall be expressed in terms of grams of CO2 equivalent per MJ of fuel (gCO2eq/MJ fuel). If a fuel is a mix of

Published on  | EU Carbon Policy | Online source

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