Question for written answer  E-000259/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Daniela Rondinelli (S&D)

On 21 September 2022, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) proposed that medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCPs) and chloro-alkanes containing substances with carbon chain lengths between C14 and C17 be restricted on the basis of their identification as persistent and bioaccumulative in the environment. European producers have raised numerous objections about the proposal, which stops the production and placing on the European market of substances of that kind.

The immediate consequence of banning their production will be a rise in imports of PVC articles directly from Asia and, in particular, India, even though they contain short-chain chlorinated paraffins, which are detrimental to human health and safety.

What is more, that proposal could not only lead to the loss of strategic European products by placing the business of creating them in the hands of producers outside the EU, but also have significant environmental and employment effects.

In the light of the above:

1.Does the Commission think that the restriction could fuel unfair competition from companies in third countries that do not follow the same environmental and safety standards as those in force in the EU?2.What will it do to help European producers who will have to use alternative plasticisers to tackle the leap in the cost of raw materials?3.Does it intend to apply special duties to PVC imported from outside the EU?


Last updated: 6 February 2024

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