The Bureau was elected by acclamation. Chair, Ms Schaldemose, S&D, Denmark, 1st Vice Chair, Mr Eric Andrieu, S&D, France and 2nd Vice Chair Ms Eva Maydell, EPP member from Bulgaria. Ambassador Masaki highlighted events from the past months: Indo Pacific strategies, EU-Asia connectivity, EPA Joint Committees second anniversary. On Japan’s carbon-neutrality 2050 target Ambassador Masaki said that Japan will announce it in the COP26 in Glasgow. On EU-Japan green business opportunities the Ambassador listed wind power, hydrogen and electric battery applications. He concluded by wishing that the next EU-Japan Summit will strengthen cooperation on green policies. DG Petriccione focused on priority areas: carbon removal & certification systems, climate strategy on forests. Investments in infrastructure for eg: Steel production with hydrogen. Agreeing with the Ambassador he stressed hydrogen, and renewable energies as some of the most important areas of cooperation with Japan.
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