For more than a century, Louisiana has been at the forefront of the oil and gas industry, providing hundreds of thousands of jobs and injecting billions into local, state and national economies. As this industry evolves, Louisiana is once again ready to lead by embracing carbon capture and sequestration. To ensure that we do this, the state has requested that the Environmental Protection Agency grant “primacy”, allowing it to manage the permitting of these projects.

As we look to the future of an industry, which employs our friends, families and neighbors, it is important for us to rally, support, and advocate for carbon capture and sequestration projects. With over 20 of these projects awaiting approval, our state stands to gain substantial job opportunities and economic growth. However, without primacy, we will be forced to rely on the federal government to decide the fate of these projects.

I am grateful that the EPA has taken the time to listen to voices from across the state regarding this issue and I am encouraged to see that they have issued preliminary approval to Louisiana.

During the ongoing public comment period, I urge you to support the state’s request for full approval. Ultimately, we should have the freedom to shape our destiny, free from interference from Washington bureaucrats.

Matt Jewell is the president of St. Charles Parish in Louisiana

Published on  | Carbon in medias | Online source

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