On Monday 16 May in the afternoon Members voted on the amendments to the Effort Sharing Regulation (Rapp. Polfjärd), to the LULUCF regulation (Rapp. Niinistö), to ETS Aviation (Rapp. Glavak) and to the opinion on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive II (Rapp. Torvalds), for which ENVI has both exclusive and shared competences.

On Tuesday 17 May in the morning Members also voted on the amendments on the revision of the EU Emission Trading System (Rapp. Liese) and on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism proposal (Rapp. Chahim).

The final votes on these files took place on Tuesday 17 May in the afternoon.

All the above-mentioned legislative proposals for which ENVI is the responsible Committee, will be on the agenda of the June I (6-9 June) plenary in Strasbourg.

Published on  | EU Carbon Policy | Online source

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